Killing them Slowly

Gore gore gore…. A quick summary guy robs guy people kill guy an obama talking in the background.

The Bad

I thought this movie was painfully slow an predictable. There was a lot of talking LOTS of it that I felt they could have cut out for more action. What I gathered from the trailer it was going to be a extremely violent action packed hitman adventure. It didn’t even come close to that. I patiently waited through the frist part of the movie listening to all the chit chat thinking I would need to retain the information but found it mostly useless. There was a lot of cheesy effects that tried to entertain but they all fell short except one. If you see the movie you will know exactly what I’m talking about

The Good

Brad Pitt!! His acting was once again pretty much on point an I felt he really filled an brought life to his role. The acting in general was really good the characters were very believable. The acting alone kept me from leaving because I already knew how the movie would end. The one slow motion killing scene was amazing an the shot compostions was also on point. The movie did a great job of not using music to create tension instead at times they used the shot composition to set up the feel. An what was with the old cars? The mood was so retro yet it was set in the Obama era, I didn’t quite understand why.

The Ugly

The story was dry in itself weak twists an in my opinion one useless plot line that should have been scrapped an that effort put into a stronger plot twist. Obama an Bush in the background, why? Why are they there, what is the purpose if only to be used as a dialogue device at the end of the game. In all random!

The Fix

More action and a stronger story, less special effects an better plot twists. Get rid of the useless sex story line an maybe a little better pacing.. LESS talking an a reason to care, I couldn’t quite find anyone to rout for in the movie which made it flat to me.

Join me next time when I take on Lincoln I am dying to see it!


Made for blacks

I am tired of made for black movies. The movies that star almost all black casts use terms like fried chicken an boy. These movies are a waste of time, yet people spend money on them everytime they come out. I used to be one of the typical black guys who saw what I thought to be a black history movie, an felt guilty or obligated to pay to support these movies. These movies do nothing but increase the sterotyping of Black people everywhere. We wonder why people ask us stupid questions regaurded to race, we bring it on ouselves. We give people these views with the movies we make an the music we produce. I feel more like an American when I choose the movie or music I want to listen to by the quality vs the race. I think we black people need to grow up and stop allowing smarter black people to exploit us with their trash movies and music.